openPDC Synchrophasor Help
ParseFooterImage Method (binaryImage, startIndex, length)
NamespacesTVA.PhasorProtocols.IeeeC37_118ConfigurationCellParseFooterImage(array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32)
Parses the binary footer image.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
protected override int ParseFooterImage(
	byte[] binaryImage,
	int startIndex,
	int length
Protected Overrides Function ParseFooterImage ( _
	binaryImage As Byte(), _
	startIndex As Integer, _
	length As Integer _
) As Integer
virtual int ParseFooterImage(
	array<unsigned char>^ binaryImage, 
	int startIndex, 
	int length
) override
binaryImage (array<Byte>[]()[][])
Binary image to parse.
startIndex (Int32)
Start index into binaryImage to begin parsing.
length (Int32)
Length of valid data within binaryImage.
Return Value
The length of the data that was parsed.

Assembly: TVA.PhasorProtocols (Module: TVA.PhasorProtocols) Version: