openPDC Synchrophasor Help
CommonFrameHeader Constructor (parseWordCountFromByte, usePhasorDataFileFormat, configFrame, binaryImage, startIndex, length)
NamespacesTVA.PhasorProtocols.BpaPdcStreamCommonFrameHeaderCommonFrameHeader(Boolean, Boolean, ConfigurationFrame, array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32)
Creates a new CommonFrameHeader from given binaryImage.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public CommonFrameHeader(
	bool parseWordCountFromByte,
	bool usePhasorDataFileFormat,
	ConfigurationFrame configFrame,
	byte[] binaryImage,
	int startIndex,
	int length
Public Sub New ( _
	parseWordCountFromByte As Boolean, _
	usePhasorDataFileFormat As Boolean, _
	configFrame As ConfigurationFrame, _
	binaryImage As Byte(), _
	startIndex As Integer, _
	length As Integer _
	bool parseWordCountFromByte, 
	bool usePhasorDataFileFormat, 
	ConfigurationFrame^ configFrame, 
	array<unsigned char>^ binaryImage, 
	int startIndex, 
	int length
parseWordCountFromByte (Boolean)
Defines flag that interprets word count in packet header from a byte instead of a word.
usePhasorDataFileFormat (Boolean)
Defines flag that determines if source data is in the Phasor Data File Format (i.e., a DST file).
configFrame (ConfigurationFrame)
Previously parsed configuration frame, if available.
binaryImage (array<Byte>[]()[][])
Buffer that contains data to parse.
startIndex (Int32)
Start index into buffer where valid data begins.
length (Int32)
Maximum length of valid data from start index.

Assembly: TVA.PhasorProtocols (Module: TVA.PhasorProtocols) Version: